Greater Greenville Scottish Games 2024

Greenville SC

Eastern United States Pipe Band Association
This report was generated Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:44 AM

Judges: William S. Caudill, Jim Dillahey, Marc E. DuBois, Jerry Finegan, June P. Hanley, Edwin M. Krintz Jr., Joyce E. McIntosh, Jonathan P. Quigg, Bob Worrall
Soloists: 74
Groups: 12

Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 3 Pipe Bands
March, Strathspey, and Reel
June P. Hanley Piping A
Jerry Finegan Piping B
Edwin M. Krintz Jr. Ensemble
Jonathan P. Quigg Drumming
Competitors: 1
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Atlanta Pipe Band EB0234 1 4 1 2 3 1 1
William S. Caudill Piping A
Joyce E. McIntosh Piping B
Bob Worrall Ensemble
Jonathan P. Quigg Drumming
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Chattanooga Pipe Band IV EB1599 1 6 2 2 1 1 4
Atlanta Pipe Band EB0234 2 6 1 1 2 2 3
City of Greenville P & D EB1209 3 12 3 3 3 3 2
Knoxville Pipes & Drums IV EB0599 4 16 4 4 4 4 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Pipe Bands
Marc E. DuBois Piping A
Bob Worrall Piping B
William S. Caudill Ensemble
Jonathan P. Quigg Drumming
Competitors: 7
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Loch Norman Pipe Band 51235 1 8 1 3 1 3 7
Atlanta Pipe Band Gr 4 EB0235 2 9 4 2 2 1 6
Chattanooga Pipe Band IV EB1599 3 9 2 1 4 2 5
City of Greenville P & D EB1209 4 15 3 5 3 4 4
Knoxville Pipes & Drums IV EB0599 5 21 5 6 5 5 3
Queen City Juvenile Pipes & Drums EB922266 6 24 7 4 7 6 2
Charleston Pipe Band IV EB0726 7 26 6 7 6 7 0
Edwin M. Krintz Jr. Piping A
Jim Dillahey Piping B
Marc E. DuBois Ensemble
Jonathan P. Quigg Drumming
Competitors: 3
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Atlanta Pipe Band Gr 4 EB0235 1 6 1 3 1 1 3
Charleston Pipe Band IV EB0726 2 7 2 1 2 2 2
Queen City Juvenile Pipes & Drums EB922266 3 11 3 2 3 3 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 5 Pipe Bands
March Set
June P. Hanley Piping A
Jim Dillahey Piping B
Jerry Finegan Ensemble
Jonathan P. Quigg Drumming
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Palmetto Pipes and Drums EB922284 1 5 2 1 1 1 4
John Mohr MacKintosh P&D V EB0685 2 9 1 2 2 4 3
Knoxville Pipes & Drums V EB0600 3 12 4 3 3 2 2
Charleston Pipe Band V EB0727 4 14 3 4 4 3 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 1 Piping
Bob Worrall
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Horne, Liam C ES926176 1 8
Fetter, Karl C ES927189 2 6
Martin, Alasdair ES1173 3 4
Abbott, Erik ES926803 4 0
March, Strathspey, and Reel
June P. Hanley
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Fetter, Karl C ES927189 1 8
Martin, Alasdair ES1173 2 6
Horne, Liam C ES926176 3 4
Abbott, Erik ES926803 4 0
Hornpipe & Jig
Jim Dillahey
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Horne, Liam C ES926176 1 4
Fetter, Karl C ES927189 2 3
Martin, Alasdair ES1173 3 2
Abbott, Erik ES926803 4 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 2 Piping
Edwin M. Krintz Jr.
Competitors: 11
B/D: 1
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Englebretson, Bridget ES1322 1 22
Rogers, Robbie ES0769 2 20
Bruner, Jeb ES926402 3 18
LaBelle, Emmitt ES926110 4 16
Crawford, Tom ES0039 5 14
Wiley, Sam ES0356 6 12
Beers, Emma 31545 0
McGregor, Logan Kaern ES0088 0
Schnee, Noah ES0378 0
Wilson, Kyle Tracy ES0155 0
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 Breakdown 0
2/4 March
William S. Caudill
Competitors: 11
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Bruner, Jeb ES926402 1 11
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 2 10
Schnee, Noah ES0378 3 9
Beers, Emma 31545 4 8
Englebretson, Bridget ES1322 5 7
McGregor, Logan Kaern ES0088 6 6
Crawford, Tom ES0039 0
LaBelle, Emmitt ES926110 0
Rogers, Robbie ES0769 0
Wiley, Sam ES0356 0
Wilson, Kyle Tracy ES0155 0
Strathpey & Reel
Marc E. DuBois
Competitors: 11
B/D: 1
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Schnee, Noah ES0378 1 11
LaBelle, Emmitt ES926110 2 10
Bruner, Jeb ES926402 3 9
Wiley, Sam ES0356 4 8
Englebretson, Bridget ES1322 5 7
Beers, Emma 31545 6 6
Crawford, Tom ES0039 0
McGregor, Logan Kaern ES0088 0
Rogers, Robbie ES0769 0
Wilson, Kyle Tracy ES0155 0
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 Breakdown 0
Hornpipe & Jig
Jerry Finegan
Competitors: 10
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Bruner, Jeb ES926402 1 10
Schnee, Noah ES0378 2 9
Wiley, Sam ES0356 3 8
Englebretson, Bridget ES1322 4 7
McGregor, Logan Kaern ES0088 5 6
LaBelle, Emmitt ES926110 6 5
Crawford, Tom ES0039 0
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 0
Rogers, Robbie ES0769 0
Wilson, Kyle Tracy ES0155 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 3 Piping
Joyce E. McIntosh
Competitors: 9
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Adamson, Mark Thomas ES926042 1 18
McLeod, Lee ES1478 2 16
Ivey, Walter ES0452 3 14
McKinnon, Corbin ES1241 4 12
McNeil, Adrian ES1176 5 10
Alrawi-Brown, Nathan ES926671 6 8
Pritchard, Anderson M ES926419 0
Schnee, Courtney ES0377 0
Somerville, Bryan ES925989 0
2/4 March
June P. Hanley
Competitors: 10
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Nussbaum, Mark ES926787 1 10 1
Pritchard, Anderson M ES926419 2 9
McNeil, Adrian ES1176 3 8
Bledsoe, Greyson ES1311 4 7
McKinnon, Corbin ES1241 5 6
McLeod, Lee ES1478 6 5
Adamson, Mark Thomas ES926042 0
Alrawi-Brown, Nathan ES926671 0
Ivey, Walter ES0452 0
Schnee, Courtney ES0377 0
Strathpey & Reel
Jim Dillahey
Competitors: 9
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
McNeil, Adrian ES1176 1 9
Pritchard, Anderson M ES926419 2 8
McLeod, Lee ES1478 3 7
Adamson, Mark Thomas ES926042 4 6
Schnee, Courtney ES0377 5 5
Alrawi-Brown, Nathan ES926671 6 4
Ivey, Walter ES0452 0
McKinnon, Corbin ES1241 0
Nussbaum, Mark ES926787 0
Bob Worrall
Competitors: 9
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Pritchard, Anderson M ES926419 1 9
Nussbaum, Mark ES926787 2 8
McNeil, Adrian ES1176 3 7
Alrawi-Brown, Nathan ES926671 4 6
Ivey, Walter ES0452 5 5
Schnee, Courtney ES0377 6 4
Adamson, Mark Thomas ES926042 0
Bledsoe, Greyson ES1311 0
McKinnon, Corbin ES1241 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Senior Piping
Piobaireachd A
Jerry Finegan
Competitors: 11
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Hallam, Alex ES926937 1 22
Hopkins, Glenn Allen ES925943 2 20
Larsen, Michael ES1199 3 18
Michaud, Noah ES927049 4 16
Settle, Daniel Sam ES926192 5 14
Bailey, Gerald ES0963 6 12
Brown, Arie Glenn ES926683 0
Flynn, John ES926557 0
Hartsell, Linda ES926869 0
Mack, Anthony ES1273 0
Maness, Andy ES926778 0
Piobaireachd B
June P. Hanley
Competitors: 8
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Ladd, Joseph D ES926961 1 16
Brennan, Melanye J ES0490 2 14
Ronis, Lisa ES0068 3 12
Lesenger, John David ES926825 4 10
Adams, Glen 31885 5 8
Stuck, William Warren ES926568 6 6
Andrews, Robert ES0283 0
Wuest, Bryan K ES926532 0
2/4 March A
Joyce E. McIntosh
Competitors: 12
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Rotta, Hannah ES927241 1 12 1
Mack, Anthony ES1273 2 11 1
Hartsell, Linda ES926869 3 10 1
Hallam, Alex ES926937 4 9 1
Brown, Arie Glenn ES926683 5 8
Bailey, Gerald ES0963 6 7
Flynn, John ES926557 0
Hopkins, Glenn Allen ES925943 0
Larsen, Michael ES1199 0
Maness, Andy ES926778 0
Michaud, Noah ES927049 0
Settle, Daniel Sam ES926192 0
2/4 March B
Jim Dillahey
Competitors: 10
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Gunn, Scott 11647 1 10
Adams, Glen 31885 2 9
Grest, Michael Todd ES925998 3 8
Stuck, William Warren ES926568 4 7
Brennan, Melanye J ES0490 5 6
Andrews, Robert ES0283 6 5
Ladd, Joseph D ES926961 0
Lesenger, John David ES926825 0
Ronis, Lisa ES0068 0
Wuest, Bryan K ES926532 0
Strathpey & Reel A
William S. Caudill
Competitors: 11
B/D: 1
D/Q: 1
N/S: 0
Hartsell, Linda ES926869 1 11
Mack, Anthony ES1273 2 10
Maness, Andy ES926778 3 9
Michaud, Noah ES927049 4 8
Larsen, Michael ES1199 5 7
Bailey, Gerald ES0963 6 6
Flynn, John ES926557 0
Hopkins, Glenn Allen ES925943 0
Settle, Daniel Sam ES926192 0
Hallam, Alex ES926937 Disqualified 0
Rotta, Hannah ES927241 Breakdown 0
Strathpey & Reel B
Bob Worrall
Competitors: 9
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Gunn, Scott 11647 1 9
Grest, Michael Todd ES925998 2 8
Brennan, Melanye J ES0490 3 7
Andrews, Robert ES0283 4 6
Ronis, Lisa ES0068 5 5
Stuck, William Warren ES926568 6 4
Adams, Glen 31885 0
Lesenger, John David ES926825 0
Wuest, Bryan K ES926532 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Jr Piping
William S. Caudill
Competitors: 5
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Norton, Lucas ES926450 1 10
Schnee, Luca ES925866 2 8
Jones, Nicholas Grant ES927045 3 6
Dillahey, Isla ES926566 4 4
Jones, Gavin Reed ES927046 5 0
2/4 March
Bob Worrall
Competitors: 6
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Dillahey, Isla ES926566 1 6
Jones, Nicholas Grant ES927045 2 5
Jones, Gavin Reed ES927046 3 4
Norton, Lucas ES926450 4 3
Schnee, Luca ES925866 5 2
Nelson, Charles EF926640 6 0
Strathpey & Reel
Edwin M. Krintz Jr.
Competitors: 5
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Norton, Lucas ES926450 1 5
Jones, Gavin Reed ES927046 2 4
Jones, Nicholas Grant ES927045 3 3
Schnee, Luca ES925866 4 2
Dillahey, Isla ES926566 5 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 5 Piping
Piobaireachd Ground Only
Edwin M. Krintz Jr.
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
King, Jason Carroll ES927353 1 4
Starling, Jason P. ES927357 2 3
Austin, Douglas Robert ES926053 3 2
Baird, Nicole Leigh ES925973 4 0
Two Parted March
Marc E. DuBois
Competitors: 6
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Whited, Liam Michael ES927013 1 6
King, Jason Carroll ES927353 2 5
Baird, Nicole Leigh ES925973 3 4
Massey, Kevin ES927066 4 3
Austin, Douglas Robert ES926053 5 2
Bangs, Mike ES0073 6 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 3 Snare
2/4 March
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 3
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Schnee, Gustav ES1437 1 3 1
McPherson, Loren Blake ES926842 2 2 1
Hinkson, Knox Donovan ES925849 3 0
Strathpey & Reel
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 3
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
McPherson, Loren Blake ES926842 1 3
Schnee, Gustav ES1437 2 2
Hinkson, Knox Donovan ES925849 3 0
March Set
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 2
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Hinkson, Knox Donovan ES925849 1 2
Schnee, Gustav ES1437 2 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Sr Snare
March Set
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 2
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Tomanelli, Douglas Christopher ES926830 1 2
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 2 0
Four Parted March
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 2
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Tomanelli, Douglas Christopher ES926830 1 2
Pastva, Heather Nicole ES0588 2 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Jr Snare
March Set
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 1
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Pritchard , Cohen ES926805 1 1
Four Parted March
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 1
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Pritchard , Cohen ES926805 1 1
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 5 Snare
Two Parted March
Jonathan P. Quigg
Competitors: 1
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Goldberg, Ethan Andrew ES927272 1 1 1
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 4 Tenor
March Set
Marc E. DuBois
Competitors: 4
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
MacIsaac, Rebekah ES926033 1 4 1
Pritchard, Katherine EF926927 2 3
Massey, Jedidiah ES927264 3 2
Kelly, Tempe S ES926939 4 0
Expand Tree Collapse Tree Grade 3 Bass
2/4 March
Marc E. DuBois
Competitors: 3
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Auman, Abby ES926716 1 3 1
Fantastic, Emily ES925678 2 2
Davis, Russell ES0182 3 0
Strathpey & Reel
Marc E. DuBois
Competitors: 3
B/D: 0
D/Q: 0
N/S: 0
Auman, Abby ES926716 1 3
Fantastic, Emily ES925678 2 2
Davis, Russell ES0182 3 0