
Eastern United States Pipe Band Association


Count: 73
Abercrombie, Clark ckabercrombie1@yahoo.com Painesville, OH
Anderson, Jeffrey JeffAndersonRPh@aol.com Scottsdale, AZ
Beaton, Martin mbeaton@nycap.rr.com Scotia, NY
Bell, Duncan lowtonea@hotmail.com Bethlehem, PA
Bell, Gordon M. gbell852@gmail.com Neptune, NJ
Bell, James M. James.bell@lyon.edu Batesville, AR
Bennington, Miles milesben@andrew.cmu.edu Carnegie , PA
Best, Ed edbest@hotmail.com Yucaipa, CA
Bottomley, John L bottomleybagpipes@outlook.com Bethlehem, PA
Brady Jr., Joe jbradypiper@gmail.com Peekskill, NY
Cablish, Charles G. cablish@msn.com Fenton, MO
Cameron, Hugh hugh.cam.1949@gmail.com Wellesley, ONT
Carlisle, Andrew carlisle@andrew.cmu.edu Pittsburgh, PA
Caudill, William S. bill@sa.edu Laurinburg, NC
Cole, Daniel daniel_cole@live.com Houston, TX
Connor, Maureen E. maureen.e.connor@gmail.com Schenectady, NY
Conway, Barry barrymconway1@gmail.com Cleveland, OH
Cooper, Derek dscoop89@gmail.com Huntingdon Valley, PA
Dillahey, Jim dillaheys@citadel.edu Charleston, SC
Donaldson, Brian inveran@btinternet.com Lexington, VA
Donaldson, Iain ian.donalds@gmail.com Palm Harbor, FL
Donlon, Andrew drewdonlon@gmail.com Washington, D.C.
Douglas, Andrew pipersdojo@gmail.com Albany, NY
DuBois, Marc E. bobofetercairn@hotmail.com Phoenix, NY
Durning, Bobby bobbybagpipes@yahoo.com Carrollton, TX
Engle, James englejd@aol.com Syracuse, NY
Finegan, Jerry jerryfinegan@gmail.com Cary, NC
Fletcher, Scott R. scottyfletcherjr@gmail.com Bridgewater, MA
Frank, Victor Michael valvic99@gmail.com Silver Spring, MD
Fry, Tyler sales@TyFry.com Houston, TX
Garson, Amy amy.garson@sympatico.ca Ottawa, ON
Glendinning, Paula glenpaula@gmail.com Ashton, MD
Hall, David J. hallbagpipes@gmail.com Elkton, MD
Hall, Linda lindamhall465@outlook.com Elkton, MD
Hanley, June P. Junehanley1016@hdrinc.com Belmont, NC
Henry, Christina christina.e.hanks@gmail.com Woodbridge, VA
Holdaway, Adam agholdaway@gmail.com Chelmsford, MA
Hudson, Nick nicholas.alan.hudson@gmail.com Houston, TX
Johnson, Sam samjohnson772@gmail.com Baltimore, MD
Kee, Thomas C. railstop1@aol.com The Plains, VA
Kent, Peter O. peterkentdp@gmail.com Annandale, VA
Krintz Jr., Edwin M. Edkrintz@gmail.com Charlotte, NC
Lindsay, Donald F. donald.f.lindsay@gmail.com Petersburgh, NY
MacDonald, Calum Calummacdonald64@gmail.com Florence, KY
MacKenzie, Allan mackenzieaj1@gmail.com Morar, Inverness-shire
MacNeill, Eric eric.macneill@gmail.com Dunedin, FL
McClure, Steve bassmc55@gmail.com Tampa, FL
McIntosh, Joyce E. piperanddancer@aol.com Anderson, SC
McKeveny, Kenneth J. kennethmckeveny@bellsouth.net Raleigh, NC
McLeod, Norman nmcleod12@gmail.com North Adams, MA
McMullin, Albert G. albmcm@gmail.com Ocala, FL
Melvin, Adrian Adrianmelvin15@gmail.com Knightdale, NC
Midgley, Derek R. derekmidgley@yahoo.com Tinton Falls, NJ
Mordaunt, Adrian mordauntsnare@gmail.com Brooklyn, NY
Morgan, Brian BrianMorgan00@gmail.com Hudson, NH
Nisco, Patricia drm-maj@msn.com Ogdensburg, NY
Ouellette, Eric e.s.ouellette@gmail.com Troy, NY
Peters, Gordon A. gpeters1@nycap.rr.com Rexford, NY
Quigg, Jonathan P. jonnyprego@aol.com Joppa, MD
Recknagel, John R. classicbagpipes@gmail.com Tucker, GA
Regan, Patrick W. regan3436@yahoo.com Pittsburgh, PA
Rogers, Michael talkeetna@gmail.com Silver Spring, MD
Sinclair, Peter buffalopiper58@yahoo.com Dunedin, FL
Stack, James E. ceolmor@comcast.net Summit, NJ
Todkill, Lyric todkill.lyric@stes.org Houston, TX
Tunnicliffe, Nancy C. piper.tunnicliffe@gmail.com Lanesboro, MA
Walker, Andrew R. andrewrwalk@gmail.com Emmaus, PA
Walker, Scot D. scotwalk@yahoo.com Middlebury Center, PA
Warburton, Sally G. sgwarburton@charter.net Marion, NC
Wassman, John Johnjwas@aol.com Tinton Falls, NJ
Webster, Lezlie lezliewebster55@gmail.com Concord, NH
Williamson, Brian bwmson@sympatico.ca Ottawa, ONT
Worrall, Bob robert_worrall@hotmail.com Burlington , Ontario

Judge Categories

Count: 7
Abbreviation Judge Category
P/AA Piping All Aspects
P/EP Piping All Aspects Except Piobaireachd
ENS Ensemble
SN Snare Drumming
T/B Tenor and Bass
DM Drum Major
DD Drill & Deportment